Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon recently melted hearts with a touching tribute to her mother, Geeta Sanon, on social media. The actress shared a video on Instagram on November 7, highlighting sweet moments with her mother, all set to the background of "Maiyya" from her latest film
Dear Lykkers! In this beautiful gesture, Kriti dedicated the song not only to her mother but to all mothers, celebrating the unique and heartfelt bond between moms and their children.
A Heartfelt Tribute Captured in Video
The Instagram video Kriti shared opens with an endearing scene of the actress carefully doing her mother’s hair and makeup. Geeta Sanon looked radiant in a powder-blue suit as Kriti doted on her, capturing a sweet mother-daughter moment that resonated with fans. The clip then transitions to Kriti attending the Do Patti screening alongside her parents, the trio smiling brightly and radiating warmth. Each frame shows the close bond they share, with Kriti hugging her mother affectionately on multiple occasions, capturing the essence of their special relationship.
The Emotional Dedication Behind "Maiyya"
In her caption, Kriti expressed her deep love and gratitude for her mother, writing, "माइया तेरी मेरी एक जिंद जान है| Mothers are all heart.. so is this song. Dedicated to my-mom.. and all moms out there!" This heartfelt message reflects the inspiration behind the song "Maiyya," which holds special significance for Kriti and her family. Her post quickly captured the attention of fans and followers, who showered the mother-daughter duo with compliments and well-wishes, turning the post into a viral moment.
Fans and Celebrities Show Their Love
Following Kriti's post, fans and celebrities alike flooded the comment section, applauding her heartfelt tribute and sharing their admiration for her relationship with her mother. Many expressed how relatable and touching the gesture was, resonating deeply with viewers who could see their own bonds with their mothers reflected in the post. With "Maiyya" capturing the essence of motherly love, Kriti’s dedication has added an emotional dimension to Do Patti, making it more than just a song in a film.
❤️ ADORABLE VIDEO of #kritisanon doing #makeup to #makeup to her #mother #shorts
Video by Bollywood Hungama
A Beautiful Moment for Kriti and Her Family
Through this tribute, Kriti Sanon showcased not only her love for her mother but also highlighted the unbreakable bond that all mothers and children share.
The video and dedication of "Maiyya" have brought fans closer to the actress, allowing them a glimpse into her life off-screen and showing a softer, more personal side of the Bollywood star. Kriti’s heartwarming tribute is a reminder of the cherished role mothers play in our lives, and her post has created a beautiful moment for her family that fans will remember for a long time.